Liquid complementary feed for dogs, cats and small mammals.
Humidity: in the stove 105 ° C EC Reg. 152/2009 all.3.A - as such: 83.22 -% (g / 100g)
Dry matter: for calculation - 16,78 -% 8g / 100g)
Crude protein: AOAC 2001.11 ed.18 ° 2005 (Kjeldahl x 6.25) 0.1 (LoQ) -% (g / 110g)
Crude fiber: EC Reg. 152/2009 with filter bags - 0.5 (LoQ) -% (g / 100g)
Crude oils and fats: EC Reg. 152/2009 H.5.2 (E.E. after hydrolysis) - 0.1 (LoQ) -% (g100g)
Crude Ash: EC Reg. 152/2009 - 0.1 (loQ) -% (g100g)
Test for sugars: NGD H20 - 1985 - Preliminary to the analysis Glycerol - Negative -
Glycerol: Met.NGD 5 1985 12.53 -% (g100g)
LoQ = Limit of quantification of the method
LoD: Limit of detection of the method
Size | S | M | L | XL |
Men | 7-10 | 10-13 | 13-15 | 15-17 |
Women | 7-9 | 10-12 | 13-14 | 15-16 |