Denkacat Skin & Coat is a feed specially developed for adult cats with Food allergy or intolerance. It supports skin and coat and helps with a good digestion.
Studied by veterinariansfor catswithsensitive digestion, manifestedbysymptoms such asdiarrhea andvomiting, andforcatswho haveskinproblems.
Also suitable asMAINTAININGfor catswho live at home.
I favoragoodfunctioning of thedigestive system(stomach, intestine andliver).
High content ofanimal proteinshighlysimilar, guaranteesofsolid stoolandcompactand thereforeeasy to clean.
Givingfood supplementsdisturbsthe balance of afood"Hypo-sensitive" and acts negativelyon digestionand feces.
Richinlecitina-ANTIHairball: helps tolimit the period ofchanges andreduces the absorptionof hair.
Avoidsthe phenomenaof regurgitationcausedby the formation ofhairballsin the stomach.
Designedin close collaborationwith veterinariansandfullydesignedtomeet the nutritional needsofhouse cats.
Are not usedantioxidants, dyes and / orappettizzanti